Tenzing Consulting

Tenzing Consulting
Hüttenstraße 5, | 40215 Düsseldorf | de


Powered by Experts: Tenzing is over 1,000 senior experts worldwide specializing in manufacturing, operations, supply chain, and procurement. We pride ourselves on rolling-up our sleeves and working shoulder-to-shoulder with our clients while transferring our know-how along the way.

20-Year Track Record: Tenzing has been driving value for private-equity firms and their portfolio companies for 20 years by delivering tangible results, with sustainable impact. We have a proven track record of supporting private equity in their increasingly demanding environment – delivering over 50 successful engagements across more than 25 top PE firms in the last five years.

Flexible Deployment: Tenzing’s flexible deployment model allows clients to engage teams of experts on large-scale complex issues, access individual experts to execute on very focused problems, or hire interim leaders to fill critical talent gaps when they arise.


Name der Ansprechpartner
Badr Moudden
Offices USA
Germany and France
Investor Types
Active since (in Germany) 2016
Investment Type
Equity Type
Investment Reasons
Industry sector
Geographical Focus Deutschland
Staff count 1300