The future fund is an important signal for Germany as a technology location. However, in order to establish a long-term, functioning start-up and venture capital ecosystem independent of state support, the primary goal must still be to mobilize private capital. Companies with technically demanding products and long development cycles are often sold too early or are only financed by foreign investors during the growth phase. Accordingly, the IPO often takes place abroad – that should change.
Here you will find our demands and positions for future funds and IPOs.
- Positionspapier zur Bundestagswahl 2025.pdf (809.4 KiB)
- BVK Präsentation - Ausblick Zukunftsfonds.pdf (1.2 MiB)
- BVK und IEF Stellungnahme Gründerrepublik - Deutschland.pdf (183.9 KiB)
- 20240913_BVK_Stellungnahme_Zukunftsfinanzierungsgesetz_II_final.pdf (365.6 KiB)
- BVK Stellungnahme zum Zukunftsfinanzierungsgesetz.pdf (161.8 KiB)