Legance - Avvocati Associati

Legance - Avvocati Associati
Palazzo Legance Via Broletto, 20 20121 - Milan | 20121 Milan | it


Legance is an independent law firm with offices in Milan, Rome, and London.

Founded in 2007 by a group of acclaimed partners, Legance distinguishes itself in the legal market as a point of reference for both clients and institutions.

Independent, dynamic, international and institutional are the qualities that most characterise the strength of the firm and have contributed to it becoming a leader in the legal market.

In 2007 there were 84 lawyers at Legance, currently there are over 300.

The value of the group is regarded as a pillar that amplifies each individual’s qualities and skills, the constant attention to clients, the careful evaluation of business objectives and an unconventional approach capable of anticipating legal requirements, 24 hour availability have contributed to establish Legance as a recognised leader in domestic and international markets.

Due to its outstanding international approach Legance can support clients over several geographical areas, and can organise and coordinate multi-jurisdictional teams whenever required.

The firm provides legal assistance to domestic and international clients in all aspects of Italian law, including M&A acquisitions, corporate transactions, litigation and arbitration, restructuring and insolvency, labour law and industrial relations, trade agreements, financial markets and services law (debt and equity), structured finance operations and project, tax law, real estate, intellectual property, environmental law, shipping and aviation law, administrative law, competition law, white collar crimes, life sciences and healthcare and ESG and impact.

Legance’s professionals are organised into different practice areas and departments which reflect the specialization in the various areas of law. Close coordination between the departments also allows for focused assistance to be provided on legal issues in specific industries.


Name of contact person
Sven von Mensenkampff
Cecilia Carrara
+ 39 02 89 63 071
+ 39 02 896 307 810
Offices Milan
Investor Types
Investment Type
Equity Type
Investment Reasons
Industry sector
Geographical Focus Deutschland
Mittel- / Südamerika
China / Hongkong
Staff count 321